Welcome to Google Ads Quick Hits. I’m Todd Nevins. I’m the founder of CLICKPlacement. And we are a Google Ads agency partner.
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Today I’m going to talk about your Search Lost Impression Share due to budget and the percentage that you should look at in regards to the number of times your ads are showing versus the competition and when you should actually increase your budget because of this percentage.
Right here, you have to populate this column.
It is search lost is impression share and then budget in brackets.

And you can do that by clicking on this column icon and go through and make sure that your Search Lost Impression Share budget column is populating and the way that you make this decision.

We’re looking at the campaign level and 20% of the time our ads are not showing because our budget is used up in this one, this is a higher competing or a competitive campaign 77%.
But down here 0%.
Our ads are showing all of the time, so we’re not inhibited by our budget.
And down here, just zero point 59%.

That’s how you use the Search Lost Impression Share due to budget to make your budgeting decisions.
I hope this helped you leave me a like and a comment. If so, see you in the next video.