Should You Bid on Your Company Name ?

Should You Bid on Your Company Name

Welcome to Google Ads Quick Hits. I’m Todd Nevins and I’m the founder of CLICKPlacement. We are a Google Ads agency partner.

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Today I’m going to show you exactly why you should still bid on your brand name on Google Ads, even if you are coming up first in the organic search results.

And my best example is right here.
MD Anderson in MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Almost everyone knows of MD Anderson and even they are bidding on their own brand.

And they’re in first place right here. The top ad.

The reason they are bidding on their ad is to control the messaging on the Google search results page and also to protect their brand from competitors because the other three ads down here are competitors of MD Anderson.

And the third and the fourth advertisers are using keyword insertion.

So they are trying to trick the person that’s searching for MD Anderson.

This first headline, they’re utilizing keyword insertion to actually change the headline here to say MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston.

And the second one here, MD Anderson Cancer Center.

But this is not MD. Anderson. Based on the URL that is showing right there.

Then you have to scroll all the way down halfway down the page to actually get to MD Anderson’s organic listing right here.

That is the reason you bid on your brand name, to protect your brand from your competitors and make sure that you are in the top spot in the search results.

Should You Bid on Your Company Name

Thank you for watching Google Ads Quick Hits. Leave me a message if this helped you.


CLICKPlacement is a Google Ads Partner and works with regional niche companies and national organizations to maximize prospect and customer engagement, and sales with proven Google Ads strategies.

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