Bard vs Chat GPT vs Google. And the winner is?

Bard vs ChatGPT vs Google

Bard vs Chat GPT vs Google. And the winner is? Welcome to Google Ads Quick Hits. I’m Todd Nevins and I’m the founder of CLICKPlacement. We’re a Google Premier partner.

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And today I’m going to compare Chat GPT, Google’s version of AI, search Bard, and traditional Google Search.

And for researching this particular video, I simply I’m looking to find the top five moments in the Google Marketing Live event that just took place a couple of weeks ago.

So first I went to Google’s version of Bard. What were the top five moments in the Google Marketing Live 2023 event?

And the results are very general. The launch of Google marketing platform 70, announcement of new features, the launch of Google Analytics Four, which is way outdated, that was launched actually a year ago.

And then the announcement of the Google Marketing platform.

And finally, Google’s new Performance Max campaign that is also a year old.

They were talking about all of the new features of the Performance Max campaign in Google Marketing Live.

So I jumped over to Chat GPT, and it’s even worse. My knowledge, it simply states my knowledge is up to September 2021, even though I put 2023.

So I jump over to the old reliable Google search. What are the top five moments? And here are some logical answers.

Invoca is number one with a blog post about the top five key takeaways. And then Google Ads has a YouTube video just five minutes long because the whole Google Marketing Live was over 2 hours and really solid search results.

So at this time, and I know it’s going to be changing soon, AI lost and traditional Google search won.

On my next videos, I’m going to go through each of these five key takeaways individually.

I hope this video helped you leave me a like and a comment if so. Thank you.


CLICKPlacement is a Google Ads Partner and works with regional niche companies and national organizations to maximize prospect and customer engagement, and sales with proven Google Ads strategies.

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